A gorgeous trio of MOONSTONES
Crystal Sound and Light

A gorgeous trio of MOONSTONES

Regular price $106.00 $0.00

A soft, dreamy crystal, a feldspar mineral, a potassium aluminium silicate with a hardness of 6. It is known as a keeper of the feminine mysteries; a talisman for the inward journey and a meditation support for connecting deeper with the self.


A consoling crystal for anyone who feels helpless because of weight problems; wear to love and value yourself as you are now and to help separate food from emotional needs. Attracts prosperity and success; is the most active moonstone in preserving dreams and focusing them in the real world. A beautiful moonstone to give to a girl entering puberty early. Thought to help with hormonal cycles. Relates to fertility, menstruation, the menopause, PMS, fibroids, IVF and surrogate mothering. Aids stomach acid, indigestion, fluid retention, and gallstone pain.


A stone that emanates vitality, life force and joy. Rainbow Moonstone aligns and activates all chakras while maintaining a sense of being grounded and centred. A positive deflection stone, helping to deflect negativity and densities before they enter the energy field. Aligned with the energies of the Goddess one can commune with the energies and spirits of Nature from plant devas to galactic consciousness.


Perception beyond the veil. A powerful stone for clairvoyancy – assists one in moving into the unseen realms. Gray Moonstone is also called “’New Moon Stone’ and it carries the mystery and powerful energies of the new moon, a time where all things exist as potential. Magnifies intention and assists in manifestation of creations from the void.